Estate Construction Proprietary Limited is a 100% citizen owned company incorporated on July 05th 1994, under the company registration laws of the Republic of Botswana.
Since the formation of the company, Estate Construction has been a key service provider in the Botswana construction industry through specialized building infrastructure and civil construction works. The company with over 25 years of practical and technical experience has marked its foot print through the completion of a number high value projects for its wide array of clientele, this include both in the private and public sectors respectively.
Estate Construction has invested in all its resources from the individual human resource to machinery and plant. We pride ourselves by using specialized technical personnel and staff to undertake the range of projects the company is involved in. Our specialists have been able to bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that they input in delivering high quality building construction and civil works.
As a company we provide in-house and professional service to our clients using innovative and cost effective strategies that are able to deliver the most measurable results. As a citizen owned company, we understand and possess full knowledge and understanding of the local construction industry and as such, we as Estate Construction are able to deliver to specification and detail.